The Music Education (ME) Diaspora page has been updated here at MusTech.Net.   It’s been awhile, some projects have been on the back burner for almost two years and it was time to do a little “house-keeping”…  So what is the ME Diaspora project?
It’s what I do.  It’s all about the Dispersion of Music Education information throughout the Web through any and all online resources and means.  It’s about connecting people  with each other and with Music Education information through RSS feeds, ATOM feeds, the Social Aggregation of multiple Web 2.0 technologies, and any other way that we can push information out electronically and “virally” through the Internet.  Then… it’s all about the  sharing, discussing, innovating, creating, and the dispersion of any and all “new” information generated in the process.   Next… we do it all over again…
One of the related items that I am the most excited about with regard to connecting and sharing information via a social network is the ability to integrate many of the “Social Media Technologies” together with each other -creating a larger “web of reach”.    At the we are using a WordPress integration called BuddyPress to create an advanced Social Network for Music Educators.  Peter Hofman has developed a “plug-in” called BuddyStream that I am also helping to develop and support that integrates Twitter, Facebook, Flickr,, YouTube and soon SoundCloud, LinkedIn, and Cinchcast.  Through these “social inter-connections”, we are enabled to reach farther and connect more people and information together.
If you are interested in seeing some of my latest projects relating to this “diaspora”,  you may check out my static page about my projects here on MusTech.Net.   There are many of “us” moving,  creating, innovating, and “corralling” the online information datastream as it pertains to Music Education… If you are “new” to all of this and want to get “tapped” into our online community of Music Educators quickly, I suggest you start by reading this article by myself and Andy Zweibel at the NAMM Support Music Site.
View the ME Diaspora page directly here:
Are you up to some cool integrations in this regard?  Let us know in the comment section below!